


Welcome to the site

Without consideration if you have any possession as private apartment or you are living in rented apartment, you have necessity to stay in orderly and clean home.

Nothing can’t you upset when you arrived in unordered home after long workday or from attempt to hide a mess under the “couch” If ring the bell on the door unexpected guest.

Fincom Co. will offer to you cleaning service, then you can get rid from stress and care about cleaning your home.

Refer to us for cleaning home through telephone or e-mail address, and your free time spend relaxing with your dearest hobby or with friend, who will wonder at dazzle of your home

FINKOM- obrt za usluge

vl. Fina Komušar

10000 Zagreb, Siget 22E

OiB 78313880195

tel. 385 97 7716 352
